Numbers to Think About


Numbers to Think About is a free social awareness app which we have written to help our minds grasp hold of some of the huge numbers which are affecting life on our planet.


For example, we can hear that the birth rate is more than 200 births per minute across the planet... But what does that mean? How big is that?


Numbers to Think About keeps a running tally of your chosen statistic and displays the current total for you. You will most likely be staggered at the rate of some of these events.


You can also choose a region or country (by tapping the map) and see how the statistic applies to that region. For example, it is quite amazing to see how many more people are added in Europe compared to Asia.


And these are important events which affect our lives. Almost 150 more people are born every minute than die. Where are they going to live? What are they going to eat? What does it mean to you? What should it mean to you? What should you be doing about it?


To challenge your thinking the app will display some questions to ask yourself for each statistic.


Hopefully it will at least give you something to think about.




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